Devlog #1 Spooktober Release & Afterthoughts


It's been one week since initial release and I'm so happy to have completed one of the goals I set out for myself earlier this summer. To make an complete visual novel game!  This is technically my second game here on Itch, but I see it as my first game made as the previous one was more of a prototype to test how making a VN works in Ren'py. 

However with the announcement of the Spooktober VN Jam, there was news that this time it was partly sponsored by a Japanese developed VN engine called Light.Vn, and as I'm still very fresh to gamedev and it had features which looked appealing! (especially after recently playing games such as DanganRonpa and Nonary Zero Escape series)
 I was drawn to the various 3D/2.5D features it offered and decided to learn the basics for this game jam.

About the story

So this story is rework of an short animation WIP that I previously made called "Our landlord is an alien".  It was a story based on the premise of what if it was recently discovered that  Earth was lent to us by an alien race, however what we pay in return is currently unknown, then one day every receive a letter in their mailbox saying that "rent is due". And humanity gets obliterated. 

...pretty grim I know. However Runa in that story is the same as in this game, just an alternate universe reworked for VN. The setting is a slight reimagination of the time I was living in Tokyo, I had this white/ transluscent gecko (which later turned into 3!!!) guarding the stairs up to my floor, worst was at night when they most likely would always be there and I much rather took the elevator even though it was almost as scary being narrow and quite nasty xD 

My landlady however was very sweet and helped me out a lot, but I doubt anyone wants to read about overflowing sewages anytime soon ^^'

So basically I sprinkled many of my own experiences from that time into the story and I hope it made it interesting.  Writing is not my strong suite as I'm a more of a visual thinker, but I enjoyed writing quite a lot! Next time I want to take my time with it to make it as good as possible.

Everyday settings with a twist, silly goofy horror has always been something I enjoy and I hope I can contribute more into this genre.


I think I def achieved what I wanted to get from this jam. 

  • I got to learn the basics
  • challenge myself with writing a 15min+ playtime script. 
  • Try adding 3D features / choices / inputs
  • making a semi-cinematic experience
  • No game-breaking bugs

Something I want to try next time is to include a 3D map, the store section was supposed to be a 3D roam like in Danganronpa but that had to be cut, but may be implemented in the future now that I got time!

Something I want to challenge in a future game

  • Making a more traditional VN with a few more characters interacting
  • Multiple ends
  • inventory function/ puzzle

What  I'm planning for "My landlord is an alien"

  • second pass of render and improving the CG's
  • Adding camera movement and giving the scenes more life
  • Custom UI
  • Background fixes and decor
  • I would love for it to have custom BGM if possible


I really appreciate all the support and feedback, from here on Itch,  Light.VN community, school, and my family who did all the playtesting and a lot of support, when I almost burnt out.

Much love and peace! Until the next log~!

Files 511 MB
Sep 30, 2024

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